Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jeremy's Christmas!

Like I said in my earlier post, Jeremy wanted me to take some pictures of him for his family as a Christmas present. He is also the Godfather of Miss Alexis from my last post so it worked out really well to do the pictures at the same time. I think we were able to get some really good shots and I'm glad Jeremy asked me to do this because it's a great example of a afforable Christmas present this year! Sometimes something as little as a picture can be enough in these times and nothing is more important than family! Anyways, here are some from Jeremy's session today! Enjoy!

Candace W.


You'll probably recognize Alexis from an earlier post. I took pictures at her first birthday party and finally I've gotten a chance to capture her again! Today was a day for two different one time! So I was going between Alexis and Jeremy (post to follow soon!) who was getting Christmas pictures made for his family. It was a very fun day and I was very excited to see the shots I took of Miss Alexis playing and climbing on everything! I rushed home to get started on editing and I must say, I am very happy with the end result! Here are my favorites!!

I love this one!!

Candace W.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bun in the Oven!

Today I had the chance to head out to Gurley for a baby shower! I will be doing Whitney's maternity pictures hopefully in the next week or two so I was excited to get to be present for the shower! I got to check out little Addie's room and I got a lot of good ideas for her shoot. Of course I couldn't not take pictures so here are a few of Whitney during the shower as well as the details she incorporated into her shower! Keep in mind, Whitney is already 8 months pregnant but she looks more like 5 months! Remember to check back for those maternity pictures as well!!
Had a blast today, Whitney!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just wanted to take a minute to show off some self portraits. Today my family and I went outside to take our Christmas pictures. I thought, hey I'm a photographer, why not! So instead of spending the money on getting them done I just did them myself, well with a little help from my husband as well. I really loved the end result! I took the pictures and made our Christmas cards out of them with my new printer! So now all I have to do is send them out! I'm a little ahead of schedule since I won't be sending them out for a few more weeks but I know I'll get behind at some point so it's really great to have them done already! Enjoy!

Candace W.