Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA for a little bit! I've had a lot of family stuff going on and I've done a few shoots they just haven't gotten to the blog yet. I am working on them though so bare with me! On another note I have got a great new giveaway to introduce! Get excited! Here are the details:
I am offering a $50.00 credit! That means if you win you are entitled to $50.00 dollars worth of services or $50.00 worth of prints or even can be used on both! It can be applied to anything I'm selling at the moment, including wedding and baby packages! If you think about it, that pays for a session fee and at least one of my prints packages! It's a great deal, and it's all for free to whoever wins the giveaway! You don't have to know me really well to enter, you don't have to know me at all! Here's how to enter:
If you are visiting me from your facebook then all you need to do is go to your page and update your status with the status "I love @ Whitehead Photography". It's that simple! Note: Make sure to add the @ before Whitehead Photography so that it does tag me, that way I'll be able to keep up with whoever has entered!
If you are visiting from a blog then just do the same thing but in a blog post and make sure to send me the blog post in a comment on THIS post!
If anyone has any questions then please let me know! I hope I've made sense while getting this all together! You have until Tuesday June 22 at midnight to enter and I should have a winner posted by Wednesday sometime!
I can't wait to name my winner so make sure and enter!! Thanks!
Candace W.